Once Upon A Time There Were Four Little Piggies...
In 2009, Tom Truelove began Truelove Farms with four little copper-colored piglets and more ambition than know-how. Those first four piglets, Tamworth pigs to be precise, were the first steps towards a dream of sustainable farming and local food. Inspired by figures like Wendell Berry, Michael Pollan, and Joel Salatin, he wanted to raise food in a way that was ethical and true to the land, the livestock, and the friends and neighbors who would become our customers.
In the last 12 years hundreds of heritage breed pigs along with grass-fed cattle, chickens, turkeys and the occasional adopted duck or goose happily grazed on the Truelove Farms fields.
2020 was a year of change and adversity for everyone and Truelove Farms was no exception. With the sale of the land Tom had farmed for over a decade, he changed course and began focusing on homesteading as well as farm advocacy and education—encouraging new farmers to utilize the sustainable, pasture-based practices he’d honed (and helping them to avoid the innumerable mistakes he’d made himself!).
In 2021 we converted our farm store into a community space to promote and sell the products of local fellow farmers and friends as well as our own.