Book a Free Consultation

Whether you want to raise a few backyard chickens or start your own livestock farm, Tom can help guide you!



Tom has unparalleled experience raising and processing heritage breed hogs, cattle, turkeys, laying hens and roasting chickens on pasture in Connecticut. His knowledge, experience, and statewide connections will streamline any livestock operation.

Consultation packages can be tailored to any size project or farm. In an effort to help support budding farmers, sliding scale rates and payment plans available upon request.



Remote Support, 10 Question Package

Email exchanges on questions and issues that arise (each topic may have multiple emails back and forth and still only count toward 1 of your 10). This package is not time-based/does not expire until you have reached the 10th question/topic



Remote Support, 6 months of email/phone consults

Unlimited emails, calls, texts during the 6 month period

Access to training materials which include both research and best practices for raising ethical, pasture-raised meat and eggs, guidance on processing (both USDA and on-farm slaughter), connections to local resources, tips for promoting and selling product


On-farm consultation, hourly rate

Hourly rate for in-person/on-farm consultation within CT* This works well for established farmers who may only need a short tutorial or consultation about something specific. *additional travel rate applies to farms in NY, MA, RI



Full day on-farm consultation

Best option for CT* farmers getting started or with a large project in mind (e.g. poultry processing). Includes up to 3 emails/calls in advance of on-site visit.

*Additional travel rates may apply to surrounding states


Combined on-farm and virtual mentorship packages

Access to training materials which include both research and best practices for raising ethical, pasture-raised meat and eggs, guidance on processing (both USDA and on-farm slaughter), connections to local resources, tips for promoting and selling product

One to three day-long, on-site visits based on package

Unlimited email/phone support for three or six months based on package